35年前, 我在利拉瑙县的小格伦湖畔买了一幢避暑小屋, 密歇根. 我梦想有一天能把这里作为我永久的家. That dream has been realized with the thoughtful, creative, and expert skills of Tom Wilcox. 他和我坐下来,我们一起回顾了35年来的照片、笔记和想法. 我想要一个简单的, 舒适的, welcoming cottage that was fully insulated for year-round living and upgraded with modern conveniences. 汤姆听了,创造了我一直梦想的东西,甚至更多. 这次重塑的结果是我的一部分. 这是我的归属. 它以它那简单而诱人的感觉抚慰着我的灵魂.
汤姆很好相处,急于把计划做好, 他确实这么做了, 即使有一些奇怪的障碍需要克服. 我的建筑师喜欢和汤姆一起工作,喜欢他自信、专注、随和的态度. 这家伙很棒. 他专业、知识渊博、有爱心、细心、可靠,和他一起工作很愉快. 查看更多图片 ›
35年前, 我在利拉瑙县的小格伦湖畔买了一幢避暑小屋, 密歇根. 我梦想有一天能把这里作为我永久的家. That dream has been realized with the thoughtful, creative, and expert skills of Tom Wilcox. 他和我坐下来,我们一起回顾了35年来的照片、笔记和想法. 我想要一个简单的, 舒适的, welcoming cottage that was fully insulated for year-round living and upgraded with modern conveniences. 汤姆听了,创造了我一直梦想的东西,甚至更多. 这次重塑的结果是我的一部分. 这是我的归属. 它以它那简单而诱人的感觉抚慰着我的灵魂.
汤姆很好相处,急于把计划做好, 他确实这么做了, 即使有一些奇怪的障碍需要克服. 我的建筑师喜欢和汤姆一起工作,喜欢他自信、专注、随和的态度. 这家伙很棒. 他专业、知识渊博、有爱心、细心、可靠,和他一起工作很愉快. 查看更多图片 ›
汤姆为我们的英国都铎风格的房子设计了一个家庭娱乐室. 他的设计是客厅的“无缝补充”. When people come to our home they are surprised to learn that the addition is not part of the original 1930’s construction. We were impressed with Tom’s diligent oversight and attention to detail throughout the construction process. 由于汤姆作为建筑师的专业知识和远见, 我们现在有了我们想要的附加功能,还有更多. 查看更多图片 ›
乔尔 & 卡罗尔•马德拉
汤姆为我们的英国都铎风格的房子设计了一个家庭娱乐室. 他的设计是客厅的“无缝补充”. When people come to our home they are surprised to learn that the addition is not part of the original 1930’s construction. We were impressed with Tom’s diligent oversight and attention to detail throughout the construction process. 由于汤姆作为建筑师的专业知识和远见, 我们现在有了我们想要的附加功能,还有更多. 查看更多图片 ›
乔尔 & 卡罗尔•马德拉
我们家住在一个历史街区的维多利亚式大房子里,建于1882年. We had a challenge on our hands when we sought to enhance our family’s living and social space on a fairly small lot which we ambitiously wanted to populate with a new swimming pool, 景观, 可以容纳三辆车的车库, 寄存室, 家庭房, 和更衣室/酒吧. How could we do all of this with neighbor buy-in and Historic Commission sign-off for our Building Permit? 答案:汤姆·威尔科克斯,建筑师. 汤姆被朋友介绍给我们,他立刻对这个项目表现出了关心, 专业知识, 和个人服务,这导致了从概念的平稳过渡, 到最终图纸, 顺利通过审批程序. His fees were extremely reasonable and the value of his services show every time we attend a neighborhood party where neighbors say, “你们家装修得很好 . . . 它看起来像是原来房子的一部分!” 查看更多图片 ›
迈克 & Beth Murray•东核桃山
我们家住在一个历史街区的维多利亚式大房子里,建于1882年. We had a challenge on our hands when we sought to enhance our family’s living and social space on a fairly small lot which we ambitiously wanted to populate with a new swimming pool, 景观, 可以容纳三辆车的车库, 寄存室, 家庭房, 和更衣室/酒吧. How could we do all of this with neighbor buy-in and Historic Commission sign-off for our Building Permit? 答案:汤姆·威尔科克斯,建筑师. 汤姆被朋友介绍给我们,他立刻对这个项目表现出了关心, 专业知识, 和个人服务,这导致了从概念的平稳过渡, 到最终图纸, 顺利通过审批程序. His fees were extremely reasonable and the value of his services show every time we attend a neighborhood party where neighbors say, “你们家装修得很好 . . . 它看起来像是原来房子的一部分!” 查看更多图片 ›
迈克 & Beth Murray•东核桃山
翻修我们125年的老房子, Tom provided great design ideas that maintained historical features but allowed modern conveniences.
He designed a main staircase to replace one that had been removed when the house had been converted to a two-family years ago. 他还很好地利用了这个空间,给了我们一间主卧套房. 他重新设计了厨房和地下室楼梯,赋予我们功能. During the project, he was on-site checking specifications to keep the project running smoothly.
简 & 丹•海德公园
翻修我们125年的老房子, Tom provided great design ideas that maintained historical features but allowed modern conveniences.
He designed a main staircase to replace one that had been removed when the house had been converted to a two-family years ago. 他还很好地利用了这个空间,给了我们一间主卧套房. 他重新设计了厨房和地下室楼梯,赋予我们功能. During the project, he was on-site checking specifications to keep the project running smoothly.
简 & 丹•海德公园
当我们第一次看到这个设计时,我们马上就知道这就是它! He had taken so much about what we liked and disliked in a house from our meeting with him and put it into our house . . . 他甚至似乎学会了我们甚至没有意识到我们想要的东西! He took a vested interest in each step of the building process to be sure things were going according to design. Many people still comment on how well our “new” house blends right into this “older” community. 查看更多图片 ›
娜塔莉 & 里奇·林奇•玛丽蒙特
当我们第一次看到这个设计时,我们马上就知道这就是它! He had taken so much about what we liked and disliked in a house from our meeting with him and put it into our house . . . 他甚至似乎学会了我们甚至没有意识到我们想要的东西! He took a vested interest in each step of the building process to be sure things were going according to design. Many people still comment on how well our “new” house blends right into this “older” community. 查看更多图片 ›
娜塔莉 & 里奇·林奇•玛丽蒙特
当汤姆加入我们的改造项目时,我们的祈祷得到了回应. 我们的前门上挂着一个难看的铝制遮阳篷,我们想把它拆掉. 承包商提出了一些建议,但我们不确定该怎么做. Tom listened to our pie-in-the-sky ramblings and came back with great ideas and detailed sketches. 他的设计非常适合我们1935年的家! 我们现在有一个漂亮的前廊,横跨了半个房子. 汤姆的设计与现有的建筑融合得很好, 客人们认为这是原来房子的一部分. His specifications for the porch foundation were some of the best our contractor had ever seen. 汤姆对细节的关注确实使我们的加法有所不同. 看到之前 & 后 ›
迈克 & 艾米•奥克利
当汤姆加入我们的改造项目时,我们的祈祷得到了回应. 我们的前门上挂着一个难看的铝制遮阳篷,我们想把它拆掉. 承包商提出了一些建议,但我们不确定该怎么做. Tom listened to our pie-in-the-sky ramblings and came back with great ideas and detailed sketches. 他的设计非常适合我们1935年的家! 我们现在有一个漂亮的前廊,横跨了半个房子. 汤姆的设计与现有的建筑融合得很好, 客人们认为这是原来房子的一部分. His specifications for the porch foundation were some of the best our contractor had ever seen. 汤姆对细节的关注确实使我们的加法有所不同. 看到之前 & 后 ›
迈克 & 艾米•奥克利
汤姆接管了我们1860年需要重大翻新的排屋的挑战. He was able to overhaul the infrastructure while adding beautiful design elements in keeping with the historical character and to navigate through the city requirements for historical preservation.
汤姆在处理现有建筑的局限性方面具有创新精神和务实精神. We especially loved problem-solving with him about how to use the awkward spaces inherent in a building of that age. 他清楚地表达了自己的想法,并很灵活地采纳了我们的想法. Working with Tom was a very satisfying creative experience and we loved the livability of the finished product.
从实际的角度来看, 汤姆提供了出色的图纸,使我们很容易将过程形象化. 他探索并提出了项目各个方面的财务选择. 他在他认为我们需要的地方引入了其他设计人员. 正如所料,我们在老建筑的“墙后”有了惊喜. 汤姆的经验和技术专长使每一项都成为加分项. 他及时、可靠、经济上可行. 没有更高的赞美了! 非常愉快的经历!
辛迪 & 比尔跳•展望山
汤姆接管了我们1860年需要重大翻新的排屋的挑战. He was able to overhaul the infrastructure while adding beautiful design elements in keeping with the historical character and to navigate through the city requirements for historical preservation.
汤姆在处理现有建筑的局限性方面具有创新精神和务实精神. We especially loved problem-solving with him about how to use the awkward spaces inherent in a building of that age. 他清楚地表达了自己的想法,并很灵活地采纳了我们的想法. Working with Tom was a very satisfying creative experience and we loved the livability of the finished product.
从实际的角度来看, 汤姆提供了出色的图纸,使我们很容易将过程形象化. 他探索并提出了项目各个方面的财务选择. 他在他认为我们需要的地方引入了其他设计人员. 正如所料,我们在老建筑的“墙后”有了惊喜. 汤姆的经验和技术专长使每一项都成为加分项. 他及时、可靠、经济上可行. 没有更高的赞美了! 非常愉快的经历!
辛迪 & 比尔跳•展望山
我们和汤姆·威尔科克斯相处得很愉快. We hired him to draw up plans for a Master Bedroom and Bath for our 1940’s Cape Cod style home. 汤姆对我们的空间非常有创意,并保持了我们家的感觉和风格. 他总是专业,友好,倾听我们的想法,了解我们的需求. 当我们担心我们是否能负担得起这样一个项目时,他是“正确的”. 他与我们的承包商有很好的工作关系,施工是无缝的. 我们对最终的结果非常满意. 谢谢十博体育版!
梅丽莎 & 戴夫•玛丽蒙特
我们和汤姆·威尔科克斯相处得很愉快. We hired him to draw up plans for a Master Bedroom and Bath for our 1940’s Cape Cod style home. 汤姆对我们的空间非常有创意,并保持了我们家的感觉和风格. 他总是专业,友好,倾听我们的想法,了解我们的需求. 当我们担心我们是否能负担得起这样一个项目时,他是“正确的”. 他与我们的承包商有很好的工作关系,施工是无缝的. 我们对最终的结果非常满意. 谢谢十博体育版!
梅丽莎 & 戴夫•玛丽蒙特
汤姆·威尔科克斯帮我们把最初的家变成了永远的家. 我们决定在我们的房子顶上再加一块!)来照顾我们正在成长的孩子. Tom expertly walked us through many floor plans and home designs that more than met our needs. 作为设计师,汤姆耐心地处理我们的想法,直到我们完全满意为止. His technical mastery ensured our plans were approved the first time and the general contractor knew exactly what to build. 多亏了汤姆,我们有了一个美丽的新家,我们会爱它很多年的! 看到之前 & 后 ›
约翰 & 帕姆·柯尼格•白橡木
汤姆·威尔科克斯帮我们把最初的家变成了永远的家. 我们决定在我们的房子顶上再加一块!)来照顾我们正在成长的孩子. Tom expertly walked us through many floor plans and home designs that more than met our needs. 作为设计师,汤姆耐心地处理我们的想法,直到我们完全满意为止. His technical mastery ensured our plans were approved the first time and the general contractor knew exactly what to build. 多亏了汤姆,我们有了一个美丽的新家,我们会爱它很多年的! 看到之前 & 后 ›
约翰 & 帕姆·柯尼格•白橡木
我们真的很喜欢和汤姆一起工作. 第一个, 当他帮我们找房子买的时候, 第二次是我们决定扩建我们买的房子. We chose Tom because he had a respect for the integrity of the original house and kept that in mind when doing the kitchen redesign and the addition (we didn't want to just slap a box on the back of the house)—juggling this with the needs of a modern family. No one who sees it knows that it is an addition, and it really changed the house for the better.
露西 & 查克•海德公园
我们真的很喜欢和汤姆一起工作. 第一个, 当他帮我们找房子买的时候, 第二次是我们决定扩建我们买的房子. We chose Tom because he had a respect for the integrity of the original house and kept that in mind when doing the kitchen redesign and the addition (we didn't want to just slap a box on the back of the house)—juggling this with the needs of a modern family. No one who sees it knows that it is an addition, and it really changed the house for the better.
露西 & 查克•海德公园
我和汤姆一起为我的百年老宅增建. 他很有创造力,愿意倾听我表达的任何想法. I actually won a prize from the city for the design because it fits so well with the character of my existing home. 查看更多图片 ›
我和汤姆一起为我的百年老宅增建. 他很有创造力,愿意倾听我表达的任何想法. I actually won a prize from the city for the design because it fits so well with the character of my existing home. 查看更多图片 ›
我们请汤姆把我们经常潮湿的后院设计成我们梦想中的户外客厅. 他超出了我们的期望. 我们给他的每一个小细节,他都把它融入了一个壮观的设计中. 但这还不够. Tom visited our construction nearly every day to make sure that the builders did not cut corners and interpreted his design to his exact high standards. Our yard was transformed and I highly recommend Tom to anyone who has a dream they want to turn into reality. 查看更多图片 ›
乔 & 让•海德公园
我们请汤姆把我们经常潮湿的后院设计成我们梦想中的户外客厅. 他超出了我们的期望. 我们给他的每一个小细节,他都把它融入了一个壮观的设计中. 但这还不够. Tom visited our construction nearly every day to make sure that the builders did not cut corners and interpreted his design to his exact high standards. Our yard was transformed and I highly recommend Tom to anyone who has a dream they want to turn into reality. 查看更多图片 ›
乔 & 让•海德公园
2011年6月, we purchased our Hyde Park home recognizing there were a number of issues with the house that needed to be addressed immediately. We also wanted to make several improvements but didn’t intend to change the floor plan in any way. 而不是雇佣一个总承包商, we retained Tom as a construction consultant and we could not have been happier for doing so. Tom orchestrated the hiring and timing of all the sub-contractors and served as our advocate throughout the whole process. His counsel was invaluable as he made recommendations to solve problems that saved both time and money. 汤姆还减轻了我们与分包商打交道的负担. 如果承包商没有达到我们的期望, 我们去找汤姆,问题立即得到了解决. Tom’s professionalism and responsiveness were really impressive and his hourly rate was incredibly reasonable. 没有一项重大的家庭装修是容易的, 但我们无法想象,如果没有汤姆的参与,我们的项目会有多困难.
珍妮花 & 布拉德·里德•海德公园
2011年6月, we purchased our Hyde Park home recognizing there were a number of issues with the house that needed to be addressed immediately. We also wanted to make several improvements but didn’t intend to change the floor plan in any way. 而不是雇佣一个总承包商, we retained Tom as a construction consultant and we could not have been happier for doing so. Tom orchestrated the hiring and timing of all the sub-contractors and served as our advocate throughout the whole process. His counsel was invaluable as he made recommendations to solve problems that saved both time and money. 汤姆还减轻了我们与分包商打交道的负担. 如果承包商没有达到我们的期望, 我们去找汤姆,问题立即得到了解决. Tom’s professionalism and responsiveness were really impressive and his hourly rate was incredibly reasonable. 没有一项重大的家庭装修是容易的, 但我们无法想象,如果没有汤姆的参与,我们的项目会有多困难.
珍妮花 & 布拉德·里德•海德公园
汤姆和我非常密切地合作,为我们在印第安山的历史悠久的家进行扩建. 他会给我发两三个版本的书柜细节图, 例如, 我会选择我喜欢的. 他非常适应我的选择,同时仍然忠于时代设计. 给一栋非常古老的房子增建是件棘手的事, but Tom\\'s attention to detail and knowledge of support structure made our home rock-solid. 查看更多图片 ›
汤姆和我非常密切地合作,为我们在印第安山的历史悠久的家进行扩建. 他会给我发两三个版本的书柜细节图, 例如, 我会选择我喜欢的. 他非常适应我的选择,同时仍然忠于时代设计. 给一栋非常古老的房子增建是件棘手的事, but Tom\\'s attention to detail and knowledge of support structure made our home rock-solid. 查看更多图片 ›
汤姆完成了一个大的环绕甲板和一个新的地下室入口的完整设计. 他还为我们的一楼改造画了研究图纸. 他的作品很有创意,使我们的房子焕然一新. 与此同时,他密切关注功能和施工的便利性. 我们很乐意让汤姆做我们将来需要的任何设计.
汤姆完成了一个大的环绕甲板和一个新的地下室入口的完整设计. 他还为我们的一楼改造画了研究图纸. 他的作品很有创意,使我们的房子焕然一新. 与此同时,他密切关注功能和施工的便利性. 我们很乐意让汤姆做我们将来需要的任何设计.
作为一名室内设计师, I greatly appreciate working with an individual who is very detailed and innovative in developing solutions to challenging architectural building projects. Tom was very attentive to what we were trying to accomplish in designing a free-flowing architectural solution to our challenging kitchen and bedroom additions. 最终的图纸和随后的施工超出了我们的预期. 在施工期间, any time there was a question; Tom was readily available and quickly developed solutions to address the issue thoroughly and on a timely basis. 我们将来一定会寻求他的帮助.
肯 & 金·马歇尔•安德森镇
作为一名室内设计师, I greatly appreciate working with an individual who is very detailed and innovative in developing solutions to challenging architectural building projects. Tom was very attentive to what we were trying to accomplish in designing a free-flowing architectural solution to our challenging kitchen and bedroom additions. 最终的图纸和随后的施工超出了我们的预期. 在施工期间, any time there was a question; Tom was readily available and quickly developed solutions to address the issue thoroughly and on a timely basis. 我们将来一定会寻求他的帮助.
肯 & 金·马歇尔•安德森镇
汤姆为我设计了一个前廊. 这真的改变了我的房子——现在从街上看,我的房子看起来很受欢迎,很有吸引力. 当我坐在门廊的秋千上, the neighbors and dog walkers who watched the porch go up all stop to tell me how beautiful it is!
汤姆为我设计了一个前廊. 这真的改变了我的房子——现在从街上看,我的房子看起来很受欢迎,很有吸引力. 当我坐在门廊的秋千上, the neighbors and dog walkers who watched the porch go up all stop to tell me how beautiful it is!
汤姆对我们家的添置的个人接触确实给这个项目带来了生机. 我们喜欢这个新空间,在需要的时候一定会再次求助于Tom!
苏西 & 杰夫•MT LOOKOUT
汤姆对我们家的添置的个人接触确实给这个项目带来了生机. 我们喜欢这个新空间,在需要的时候一定会再次求助于Tom!
苏西 & 杰夫•MT LOOKOUT